Let us recreate the best days of your lives with this nostalgic, fun and frolic inspiring event. It's the end of term disco, school hard man Basher Bates is on the decks and inviting you to ‘break dance’ and ‘moon walk’ onto the dance floor; he doesn’t ask you twice! So don your old school tie (a few alterations may be needed) and join the girls and guys in a place where your School Days are still alive and kicking. Just think now your acne's cleared up you might just get a snog!

Fights at the water fountain, ink-stained clothes, dubious looking food and bad haircuts. No, not prison - these are your school days!


Imagine if you could replicate the school disco without any of the bad bits? No groups of boys/girls standing at opposite sides of the room, too shy to speak to each other. No teachers hanging around, reminding you of your impending maths homework. No horrendously embarassing dancing. Well, perhaps a little bit of embarassing dancing; we're not miracle workers.


Grab your itchy blazer, pleated grey skirt, aforementioned inky shirt and scuffed shoes. Hop, skip and jump back in time to experience the days no-one forgets. That girl from 4A you've got the crush on might be there, too.


If you require more information about this event or service, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 01438 861821.


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