Catch your colleagues out, play visual pranks, make them jump, watch their discomfort and horror as unusual situations and events unfold around them. Laugh at their relief as they realise they have been the unwitting victims of an elaborate prank, and revel in their embarrassment when they figure out it has all been captured on film.

This event is an excellent way to get to know your colleagues and break some ice! A pre-runner to such television greats as Beadle’s About and Trigger Happy TV; Candid Camera remains the King of them all. 


In our very own version of events; an unfortunate colleague or business partner is filmed as a series of pranks are played out before them. 


Firstly we will research into the client’s interests, fears, hobbies and lifestyle. We will then write a script and rehearse with professional actors – and also incorporate the victim’s own business associates or friends into the scenario. Then, using our own craftsmen we will design and create a few stunts and surprises. All this in order to produce a truly convincing scene that will leave the victim stunned and surprised; and it’s all on film!


“Smile! You’re on Candid Camera.”

 If you require more information about this event or service, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 01438 861821.