A two day leadership development programme based on professor of leadership John Adair's action centred leadership model. Reinforced by practical exercises and featuring a follow up day, this programme features Adair Foundation accredited facilitation emphasising taking lessons back to the workplace.

The Action Centred Leadership model is Adair's best known work, in which the three elements - Achieving the Task, Developing the Team and Developing Individuals - are mutually dependent, as well as being separately essential to the overall leadership role. 


Adair's action-centred leadership task-team-individual model adapts extremely well for the demands of modern business management. When using it in your own environment think about the aspects of performance necessary for success in your own situation, and incorporate local relevant factors into the model to create your own interpretation. This will give you a very useful management framework.


MotivAction's Foundations of Leadership programme works in conjunction with the Adair Foundation- the body to be accredited  by John Adair himself. Our joint venture means that clients recieve a professional, high level and regulated form of Adair training.


 If you require more information about this event or service, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 01438 861821.