Free Running or le Parkour (PK to those in the know) is the sport where people jump from tall building to building in a series of acrobatic leaps.

Whilst we won’t be asking you to leap from the top of Big Ben to the Houses of Parliament, there are a great number of learning points to take from PK. 

Confronting fears, having faith, pushing boundaries and dedication to one’s art are all defined by the nature of Free Running. 

In this session you learn the basics of landing and rolling, cat balancing, wall running and rail precision. Testing your teams’ limits and discovering an immense satisfaction in moving fluidly, concentrating the mind and relaxing the body. 


If you require more information about this event or service, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call on 01438 861821.


‘Free Running – Releasing Potential’