An imaginative break out session that encourages delegates to use a different part of their brain and provides them with a ‘mental break’ from the conference. The subject matter can reflect the topics and goals of the meeting or can be chosen purely for fun!
The analysis of handwriting (also known as Graphology) is now an accepted and increasingly used technique for assessment of people in organizations. Handwriting analysis is an effective and reliable indicator of personality and behaviour, and so is a useful tool for many organizational processes, for example: recruitment, interviewing and selection, team-building, counselling, and career-planning. In this event; we take this skill one step further; using structured drawing techniques to evolve the participants work and then analyse the creative decisions they have made. The results reveal more than just hidden talents. They provide a fresh perspective and a forum for constructive discussion about your business. This kind of analysis is 'brainwriting' - the drawing comes directly from the participant in a uniquely personal and individual way, irrespective of how the person has been taught to draw: our expert uses at least 300 different artisitc features in the investigative approach. The analyst’s interpretation skill is in the psychological art of understanding the particular blend of artisitic features. – The expert is able to see through the art and encourage all participants to look through each others drawing and view with clarity the artist him or herself.