Casino tables are always popular and enable guests to mix and mingle. Try your luck on the famous Wheel of Fortune. The game consists of an odds table on which you place your bet and a large mahogany and brass wheel. The wheel spins, if it stops on your selection you win.... simple as that.
Guideline number of assorted tables for a successful classic casino event
10 to 30 Guests 1-3 Tables
30 to 50 Guests 2-4 Tables
50 to 100 Guests 4-6 Tables
Add one more table or alternative "fun gambling" event for every 30 - 50 people depending on the other entertainment and objectives of the evening.
Consider Croupier costumes relevant to the theme.
Additional Information
Read our event fact sheet to find out more about a Classic Casino evening or combine this activity with other gambling games to form Millionaire by Midnight.