Casino tables are always popular and enable guests to mix and mingle and this is probably the world's best known casino game - and the easiest to play! You can make as many bets as you wish on which number the ball will drop. Round and round the wheel goes, will you be a winner tonight?
Guideline number of assorted tables for a successful classic casino event
10 to 30 Guests 1-3 Tables
30 to 50 Guests 2-4 Tables
50 to 100 Guests 4-6 Tables
Add one more table or alternative "fun gambling" event for every 30 - 50 people depending on the other entertainment and objectives of the evening.
Consider Croupier costumes relevant to the theme.
Additional Information
Read our event fact sheet to find out more about a Classic Casino evening or combine this activity with other gambling games to form Millionaire by Midnight.